Georgia Crites
Georgia Crites is a recent graduate from the Glorya Kaufman School of Dance at the University of Southern California. Her degree in Choreography for the Stage and Screen allowed her to study jazz, musical theatre, pointe, and contemporary from a new perspective. While taking various dance classes in international and historical perspectives, she immersed herself in Los Angeles' dance industry to broaden her knowledge of classic and contemporary movement quality.
During her time in LA, she had the opportunity to travel with The Countdown Competition as a backstage manager. While watching countless hours of dances throughout the weekend, she has a newfound appreciation for judges and plans to choreograph her dances to get them pumped up! She has also made connections with other emerging choreographers that have paved the way for themselves in the competitive dance industry. She is inspired by how new choreographers implement contemporary and modern elements in competitive dances.
Her newest tackle in the dance world includes starting a dance program for the Tulare Joint Union High School District. She plans to build a program that encourages novice dancers to a higher level of dance.
While in college, Georgia could not seem to stay away from Dancers Edge and would come back every month to check on the dancers and keep choreographing. Because even though education is important, the show must go on! She now has moved back to her hometown of Visalia, where she finds comfort at Dancers Edge. Her dearest and most formative experiences have happened at this studio. Some of her favorite memories that have had a lasting impact on her love for dance include the day she found out she made Edge after years of Edge Kids dances, winning 2 Victory Cups for the first time in DE history, and receiving 3 Industry Dance Awards. Her compassionate teaching style allows the students to come out of their shells, where she builds relationships with the dancers to push them to be the best version of themselves. She is most excited to start choreographing dances with her own flare and make even more memories with her students this time around. Fight On!